
Professor SHI Anbin speaks on CCTV about Media Ethics Controversy

Professor SHI, Anbin, Associate Dean of International Development, speaks on CCTV on January 19th, 2015, to analyze the recent controversy over the coverage on a pop singer's death, culminating in the leaking photo of her corpse by a journalist from local metropolitan newspaper disguising as her doctor's assistant. Since the 1990s, "metropolitan press", which derived from the orthodox partisan media and follows the market-driven principle of "man bite dog", dominated Chinese media sphere. The rise of social media made the commercialized "metropolitan press" risked to lower their ethical standard into paparazzi, as this case aptly indicated. In addition to consolidating the ethical training among journalists, a call for drafting "media law" or "press law" has become urgent and relevant in face of the constant changing media ecology in contemporary China.

