

Date: 2-3 September 2014

Registration Time: 8:00am

Location: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University

Tsinghua-Epstein Centre for Global Media and Communication

China Media Centre, Westminster University

Chinese Association of Global Communication

China is dramatically increasing its media presence in the world. CCTV will establish its third Media Hub, after Africa and the USA, in Europe. Xinhua has expanded its operations and has launched its own 24-hour television news. The quality and range of publications, radio and television channels and online information has developed rapidly in several languages. Chinese media are supplying facilities and training to the media of many other countries, even as they also soak up the experience and knowledge of the most advanced media industries. Not only national media but provincial media are entering the world’s markets.

Keynote Speakers:

Professor Daya Thussu - ‘News as Entertainment’ (India Media Centre, University of Westminster). Professor Daya Thussu’s most recent work is 'Communicating India's Soft Power: Buddha to Bollywood'.

Professor Anne-Marie Brady - ‘China's Thought Management’ (University of Canterbury). Professor Ann-Marie Brady combines expertise in China’s international affairs with publications analyzing the media system.

With eminent speakers:

Qu Yingpu (Deputy Editor-in-chief, China Daily)

Yang Hua (Deputy Director, Newscentre of CCTV)


Tsinghua University School of Journalism and Communication and The China Media Centre, University of Westminster, invite you to attend our forthcoming international conference, which will take place at Tsinghua University on 2/3 September 2014. This conference immediately precedes the international symposium on ‘China’s Soft Power in Africa’ held in Ningbo on 4/5 of September, in the expectation that many will wish to attend both.

The Co-Chairmen of the conference are:

Shi Anbin, Professor of Professor of Media/Cultural Studies and Director, Israel Epstein Center for Global Media and Communication, Tsinghua University

Hugo de Burgh, Professor of Journalism and Director, The China Media Centre, Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), University of Westminster


We intend to prepare a selection of the papers for publication as a special issue of an international, peer reviewed journal or book.

If you have any questions regarding the conference or the programme, do not hesitate to get in touch with us through Ms Cao Shule (caoshule@gmail.com) and for logistics through Ms Li Hongxia (tsjcws@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn; +8610-62796842). If you are not from China and have any queries, please contact Ms Alja Kranjec on +44 208 357 7354 or oncmc-office@westminster.ac.uk.
