
Guests from University of Hamburg came to visit our school

On Feb 25, the first day of the 2013 spring semester, Professor Siegfried Weischenberg with University of Hamburg and Dr. Steffen Burkhardt with International Media Center Hamburg came to visit Tsinghua. Professor Shi Anbin, Associate Dean of Journalism school, Asscoiate Professor Hang Min, Director of Global Business Journalism Program, and Associate Professor Zhou Qingan, Director of International Journalism and Communication Program, extended warm welcome and then gave a brief introduction of the school and our programs. During the meeting, two sides discussed about exchanging students and the possibility of establish the Global Media Master program. After the meeting, Professor Siegfried Weischenberg and Doctor Steffen Burkhardt gave speeches--- "Max Weber and the Journalism Research in Germany";“Social Media and Scandals in Germany”.

Professor Siegfried Weischenberg (right) and Dr. Steffen Burkhardt (left) were at the meeting

Professor Siegfried Weischenberg was giving a speech to journalism students
